'Never Hike Alone 2' released
Set as a direct sequel to Never Hike Alone (2017) and Never Hike in the Snow (2020), Never Hike Alone 2 picks up with Crystal Lake’s...

'Never Hike Alone 2' First Images Released by Womp Stomp Films
Womp Stomp Film's has officially released the first photos from their much anticipated 'Never Hike Alone 2'. Included is our first look...

'Jason Rising' releasing this August on Friday the 13th
After much anticipation Red Crow Films is set to release 'JASON RISING' on August 13th, taking advantage of the titular holiday. Jason...

'JASON RISING' A Friday the 13th fan film releases trailer
Jason Rising follows Wessex County police officer Pete Daltry along with two local bounty hunters, Jed and Bear. hot on the trail of...

Womp Stomp Films releases 'Ghost Cut' of 'NEVER HIKE ALONE'
Never Hike Alone: The Ghost Cut is a Friday the 13th Fan Film that includes Disappear, Never Hike in the Snow, and Never Hike Alone cut...

'Never Hike in the Snow' released by Womp Stomp Films
Winter is coming. Womp Stomp Film's has released their highly anticipated followup to their beloved 2017 Friday the 13th fan film "Never Hik

Womp Stomp Films releases trailer for 'Never Hike In The Snow'
Womp Stomp Film's released their trailer for the sequel to the cult classic Friday the 13th fan film ' Never Hike Alone". Set three...

'Never Hike in the Snow' filming concludes amidst successful Indiegogo funding
After a grueling production that spanned 6 cold winter days, Womp Stomp Films has announed that production has concluded on their highly...

Chris R. Notarile launches 'Mystery Inc: The Legend of Jason Voorhees' gonfundme
CHris R. Notarile is launching a gofundme campaign for his project 'Mystery Inc. - The Legend of Jason Vorhees' which is set to be a...

Wet Paint Pictures launches Indiegogo campaign for post production on 'VORHEES'
Wet paint pictures is seeking $15,000 in order to fully process all elements of post production. This includes film editing, adding music...