Womp Stomp Film's Friday the the 13th 'Never Hike Alone in the Snow' successfully funded
With a week still to go on their popular IndieGoGo campaign Womp Stomp Films has successfully funded their Friday the 13th fan film...

EDITORIAL // Top 5 Horror Fan Films of 2018
A lot of crap went down in 2018. Let’s not talk about what, though, as it’s all depressing enough as it is. Nevertheless, there’s no need...

REVIEW // 'Ghostface' is fun, gory and a true homage
The film is not yet currently available due to rights issues but we were lucky enough to catch a screening of the film. In Ghostface we...

Trailer released for 'The Spirit of Haddonfield'
Rene Rivas Productions released the official trailer for their Halloween fan film THE SPIRIT OF HADDONFIELD. The fan film will be...

'The Sawyer Family' Indiegogo campaign launching soon
Mort House Films recently announced their Indiegogo campaign for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan film THE SAWYER FAMILY will be launching...