Crackle Possesses September With Free Horror Films
Crackle's September 2023 Horror Lineup

'Jason Rising' releasing this August on Friday the 13th
After much anticipation Red Crow Films is set to release 'JASON RISING' on August 13th, taking advantage of the titular holiday. Jason...

'My Bloody Valentine" Fan Film Launches Indiegogo Campaign
In 'VALENTINE BLUFFS" after the horrific events that took place in Valentine Bluffs, TJ and Sara struggle to move on with their lives in...

'JASON RISING' A Friday the 13th fan film releases trailer
Jason Rising follows Wessex County police officer Pete Daltry along with two local bounty hunters, Jed and Bear. hot on the trail of...

Womp Stomp Films releases 'Ghost Cut' of 'NEVER HIKE ALONE'
Never Hike Alone: The Ghost Cut is a Friday the 13th Fan Film that includes Disappear, Never Hike in the Snow, and Never Hike Alone cut...

'Never Hike in the Snow' released by Womp Stomp Films
Winter is coming. Womp Stomp Film's has released their highly anticipated followup to their beloved 2017 Friday the 13th fan film "Never Hik

REVIEW // "Slaybor Day 7" slays horror tropes with laughs
Here at HorrorFanFilms.com we were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at the upcoming horror short film Slaybor Day 7. In Slaybor Day 7...

PREMIERE // Anima Films releases 'Nightmare on Elm Street' Fan Film 'In Dreams'
In the Nightmare on Elm Street fan film “In Dreams” we met Cheyenne, an American teenager who suffers from sleepwalking. Soon though...

Brownspace Films releases 'Nightmare on Elm Street: Up All Night'
Directed By Jeremy Brown (Friday 13th: Vengeance) and written by best-selling horror author, Matt Shaw. A Nightmare On Elm Street: Up All...

REVIEW // 'Halloween: Michael VS Michael' offers fun spooks with fresh premise
With a Halloween deadline looming, best friends and self-proclaimed horror geeks Bobby (Ben Seideman) and Nick (Kyle Geriak) team-up to...