'Friday the 13th: The Game' adding single player challenges May 24th

Gun Media announced that single player challenges will be added Thursday, May 24th. Gun media commented, "New Content & Features include; Counselor Victoria Sterling, Jason Part 7 rebalance, New skins for Roy, upgraded Jason grab, Jason weapon selection, PC key binding, AI improvements, and more." Additionally the official website states, “Test your skills as Jason Voorhees by clearing out all of the counselors in Camp Crystal Lake in each of the 10 unique scenarios. Each level contains special cinematic kills that are available only in Single Player Challenges. There are also multiple challenge objectives that are available in each level that can only be completed through proper planning and preparation. Play as Jason in any way you like. You may choose to be slow and sneaky for that suspenseful cinematic experience, or you may choose to brute force your way through, hacking and slashing! There are also 30 new unlockable emotes that can be obtained in the Single Player Challenges! Each Challenge has a reward of 3 unique emotes through the collection of these following skulls: No Survivors Skull, XP Score Skull, and the Undetected Skull.” Check out the announcement HERE