Trailer released for 'Siren's Song' - a Resident Evil fan film

1998 - Outskirts of Raccoon City. Umbrella project codenamed : Siren's Song, aboard the ship D.E.V. Aurora, 48 hours since intial outbreak.
According to the team behind the fan film, "‘Siren’s Song’ is a Resident Evil fan film made by the fans of the game, for fans of the game. We hope that it strikes the right balance between horror and action, giving it the appropriate mix to be considered ‘survival horror’. We wrote an entirely original story, and wove it into the Resident Evil timeline in somewhat of a hole between game 1 and game 2. Just after the mansion incident, but before game 2. We used original characters so as not to rely too much on the characters we all know and love, but we did weave in some of those characters so as not to ignore the awesomeness these characters have brought to our lives. All we ask of you, is that you follow the call to horror".
You can follow the film on Facebook HERE